About Us

abraham lincoln administration adult art

Ambassador Times is a conservative Christian global affairs and lifestyle brand that offers a comprehensive briefing on current affairs, business, art & design, technology, and many others, all through a conservative Christians lens.  

Our Vision

In today’s liberally-biased media, we were motivated to create a platform that caters to the unique conservative Christian values of our readers, and have since been committed to providing insightful and thought-provoking content that resonates with our audience.  Our primary aim is to be a trusted source of information and motivation for conservative Christians, helping them stay informed, engaged, and stylish in the ever-evolving world.

President Ronald Reagan signing the Economic Recovery Tax Act of 1981 and the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1981 at his Santa Barbara, California ranch, Rancho del Cielo, 13 August 1981. Photograph by official White House photographer, Karl Schumacher, courtesy of the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library (C03490-4A, https://www.reaganlibrary.gov/archives/photo/c03490-01).
President Ronald Reagan signing the Economic Recovery Tax Act of 1981 and the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1981 at his Santa Barbara, California ranch, Rancho del Cielo, 13 August 1981

But our aim does not stop there. We also aspire to produce fact-based content that is interesting and engaging to sensible and reasonable readers from any worldview and political ideology. We believe in the democracy of ideas and that the best ideas will rise to the top.

And finally, our content is aimed at everyone but we do take time to specifically write to men and men’s interests.

grey bridge connection
Photo by Josh Sorenson on Pexels.com

Who are the authors / contributors?

We took a cue from The Economist magazine. Individual articles are written anonymously, with no byline, in order for Ambassador Times to speak with one collective voice. The anonymity – in an age of cancel culture – aims to provide journalistic freedom and privacy in a world where fringe groups of people want to punish those conservative Christian ideology.

Ambassador Times: For a Flourishing Society.

photo of mount rushmore national memorial
Photo by Jeanetta Richardson-Anhalt on Pexels.com

We have matters of great import to discuss, my friend!

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